Winter Sun
5:35 PM
Photographer: Joshua Joel Muñoz
Vintage Vest
BDG Jeans
Dr. Marten 1460 Boot
Here is another quick post to end out the year of 2014. The little sweater vest I am wearing is very colorful for my closet. I mainly have black and grays in my closet. I love this little find and I had to buy it when my friend brought it to my attention when we were shopping at this cute little antique shop. My boyfriend made me laugh when he told me he thinks it looks like a Cosby sweater, haha.
Anyways, this year held a lot of surprises for me and I think they have changed me for the better. I hope that everyone has a lovely and safe New Year's eve celebration. Have fun and be positive going into the year 2015. Every day holds something new and exciting.
XoXo :)