Warby Parker
7:36 PMI have come across the eye-wear company named Warby Parker and since I am on the hunt for a pair of new eyeglasses, as mine are in not so fabulous condition, I decided to check their site out. I found that I liked a majority of their styles, now whether a particular style would work on my small face is a different scenario. This is when, upon exploring Warby Parker some more, I realized they allow you a free at home try-on in which you can choose 5 pairs of their frames in most styles.
The style above is called the Finch and, though I adore the style, they just are a bit big for my face. I do enjoy the sort of over-sized glassesandI have have seen some beautiful people who look wonderful wearing them but these just didn't work for me in my opinion.
This next style is one of the ones I was most excited to try on and they are called the Welty but again they are big for my adorably tiny face. xD I still love them though so maybe I will by them in the future regardless.
These next two frames did not work for me in the least. As soon as I tried them on I was like oh no, no, no, noo. I think they are so gorgeous and give me a vintage kind of feel which I adore but they did not work on me at all which was disappointing. I am sure they look gorgeous on some other fabulous people which I think makes them lucky, lol.
This is in the style Holcomb and . . .
These are the Ripley frames and ugh, I wish they worked but rounder frames always look a bit off on me.
Now these next two photos are of the frames I deemed the winner out of the five and was also the frames I was most excited about trying. They looked great online and I couldn't wait to see them on me.
This last frame is called the Upton and I think they are wonderful. I am happy to say I wasn't disappointed when I put these on and the brown hue makes them less stark against my pale skin. The slight cat-eye is also a nice touch I enjoy. I love cat-eye glasses.:D What do you guys think of these frames?
Well, I can say that this at home try-on is a success and I may very well be on my way to ordering the Upton soon. I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your week and if you are on the hunt for a new pair of eye-glasses or even sunnies (they also have sunglasses!) check out Warby Parker.